Sunday 22 March 2009

Crafts, Meal & Movie Night

For several weeks students and volunteers have been working away making crafts for a TABLEtalk fundraising event ... it's always a great time and everyone gets rewarded for their hard work with a meal and a movie.

Jessica, Sarah & Lena

Mandy, Judy & Christina

Christina, Lena & Barry
(apologies for Barry's 'sweat-shop face')

Friday 20 March 2009

Student Comments

"TABLEtalk is a weekly breath to go out, meet some new people, chat, improve your English, try to think in matters that affect our society and that usually we are not concerned with. Lots of enjoyable times, a lot of people who want to help you enjoy without asking anything for that. The first time I wanted to go there, I thought that 1 1/2 hours would be so much, but then I discovered how talented Lynne is preparing that, and the time you spend there passes so quickly that you don't realise it.
Lynne, thanks for all the effort and all the time you spend for us, maybe we never say that, but we really value it, and I am very glad to assist in your activities. I know how difficult it is to carry on an event, and that people only see the final result but sometimes are not able to see how much a job it is. I really value it and encourage you to continue working."
Ramon from Spain

Wednesday 11 March 2009

Jiaozi making lesson

Ryan, Alison, Lynne and 'the undercover genius' Lena all enjoyed a great evening with Jessica, Sarah & Fu Yu - learning to make jaiozi (Chinese dumplings).

Whilst we all rolled and stuffed - Jessica beavered in the kitchen making a zillion other dishes ...

Oh what a great feast!!!

Thank you soooooooooo much!!!

Tuesday 10 March 2009

TABLEtalk - Chilli & Chat

Once or twice a year we enjoy a Chilli & Chat evening at TABLEtalk - no set discussion theme but simply the opportunity to enjoy each others company, hopefully some good chilli (hmmmm) and a variety of games.

A huge thank you goes to Fu Yu who spent the day helping me shop and cook and set up!!