Tuesday 22 May 2007

Dinner @ Thornly

Many, many thanks go to Nora, XiuLi, Jasen & Alex for inviting Lisa, June and myself for a marvellous meal up at Thornly Campus.

After the meal we all enjoyed a good sing-along, accompanied by Jasen on guitar...

From left to right:
Jasen, Lisa, Lynne, XiuLi, June, Alex and Nora

Saturday 12 May 2007

Dinner @ Lynne's

It is that time of year when we have to cope with a series of sad farewells.
Over several semesters it has been a great privilege to get to know a number of teachers from BCBUU (Business College of Beijing Union University).
This semester XiuLi, Nora, Alex & Jasen have become particularly good friends.

Saturday 5 May 2007


The weather was sunny and we had a great fundraising day at our COMMUNITY CAFE, CAR WASH & SALE. A total of £370 was raised towards resources for TABLEtalk, etc
A HUGE THANK YOU goes to Csaba, Sandra, Memon & Jessica whom came and worked very hard for several hours - washing cars and helping with the sale.